What is your Dharma Archetype?
Your Results
Your archetype :
It’s important to note that the Artist is not necessarily a professional artist—they’re just someone who brings art into everything they do, a messenger of beauty. They’ll spend extra time to make sure everything they do is beautiful, and become frustrated when people don’t share the same attention to detail.
An Artist is always reinventing themselves. They tend to have several careers over their lifetimes, or even at the same time. They’re the type of people to make the art, come up with the branding, direct and edit the video, design the costume and even build the set. Everything in their life is curated to reflect their creativity, from their social media feed to their home to their wardrobe and to their office.
Artists are tastemakers. They don’t follow trends but create them—Artists can throw together items from a thrift shop and look like they’re walking down a runway. An Artist likes to spend a lot of their time by themselves, because they take in so much energy around them. They need extra time to themselves to process that, which then becomes the inspiration for their art.. They have a lower need for human interaction than other archetypes, and can be hermits.
Artists are intuitive, open-minded, and creative, and bring divine consciousness into the physical plane through their art. They may feel uncomfortable in big groups of people because they’re taking in so much information from the world around them.
An Artist’s greatest issue is sticking to their originality rather than creating something they know will be successful. There may be a demand for them to create something more mainstream, but if it’s not true to what they have a passion for, they’ll become extremely depressed. Artists do well as creatives, branding specialists, graphic/ interior/ fashion designers, content creators, writers, photographers, cinematographers, musicians, jewelry makers, painters, and poets.
Read more + learn about the chakras of your archetype in
Discover Your Dharma.
Ready to dive deeper into the Dharma Archetypes?
Knowing your Dharma Archetype allows you to see what you naturally
excel at and the type of work you are meant to do here on this planet.
Learn more in my best-selling book Discover Your Dharma
Learn more about:
- Your Dharma Archetype
- Your Dharma Blueprint to actually make your dharma happen
- How to overcome the most common obstacles keeping you from your dharma
- How to move from confusion to clarity
- The three paths to get to your Dharma and which you should take according to your personality
- The seven stages of Dharma Discovery and where you are now and going next
- What to do if your family/ community is not supportive of your path
- Your Dosha and how it’s related to your dharma
- How to balance self-care with your Dharma
- How to move your dharma through your chakras
- How to overcome fear of speaking your truth
- How to take your idea to action
- How to avoid burn-out with your dharma
- What to do if you have many ideas about your dharma
And SOUL much more in my book, Discover Your Dharma.
“Discover Your Dharma is a timely book for readers to decondition their minds,
remember their essence, and step into the purpose they were born to express.”
-From the foreword by Deepak Chopra
“Discover Your Dharma will give you clear direction on how to step into your
purpose and say yes to your deepest desires.”
- Gabby Bernstein
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