SAHARA ROSE DHARMA ARCHETYPE QUIZ which dharma archetype are you? Step 1 of 10 10% What matters to you most?* Making people laugh, cry, and think Making the world a more beautiful place Improving the lives of others through valuable education My partner, family, and friends Raising the vibration of the planet Understanding why the world is the way it is Protecting my friends, family, and the vulnerable Standing up for a just cause Developing creative solutions to people’s problems I am happiest* Deep in research Coming up with business ideas Teaching what I love Inspiring people to see a higher perspective Connecting deeply with someone Creating art Using my physical body Raising awareness on important causes On stage, on set or at rehearsal I like to spend my time* Alone, surrounded by my art Channeling my realizations to others With my loved ones Learning new things and then teaching them to others Cracking jokes, writing skits, practicing lines With my team, supporting each other toward our goals Masterminding business ideas Volunteering Going down rabbit holes and finding new conclusions At my best, I’m Creating solutions for people’s problems A creative genius Giving people “aha” moments Deeply connected to others Understanding things people never even think about Empowered, ignited, and ready to charge Channeling higher visions to uplift humanity Making a massive difference on the planet Uplifting everyone around me At my worst, I’m* Overworked and burned-out from my work Resentful from people taking advantage of my kindness Frustrated, trying to get people to understand something they cannot Anxious about the way the world is going Angry, feeling like I’ve been fighting my entire life Upset with how uneducated people are and how little regard they have Mad at myself for not doing better Depressed, falling into addictive behaviors Pissed that no one cares about the world like I do People compliment me most on* My ability to create a business around anything/ resourcefulness My intuition and ability to channel wisdom from Source My creativity and ability to think outside the box My ability to make complicated topics easy to understand My compassion, patience, and kindness My strength and loyalty My deep knowledge and curiosity for the world My theatrical nature and ability to read a crowd My passion to help the world My ideal profession would most likely include* Writing books and recording podcasts on the new paradigm Teaching on stages and writing books on my expertise Getting paid to come up with business ideas for people Coaching/counseling people through their blocks Publishing research that changes the world Using my physical and mental strength for the greater good Focusing on my art full-time Leading my own non-profit that truly creates impact Acting or performing on the silver screen Who do I look up to most?* Frida Kahlo - the way she was uniquely and unapologetically her creative self Sara Blakely - the way she created a female-owned and centric business that has generated billions Joe Dispenza - the way he shares knowledge in a way that’s accessible for everyone Oprah - the way she’s able to sit next to anyone and help them uncover their deepest fears and desires Jim Carrey - the way he can shapeshift on screen and play so many characters Deepak Chopra - the way he raises consciousness and has brought spiritual wisdom to the mainstream Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez - the way she fearlessly stands up for the disenfranchised Marianne Williamson - the way she advocates for societal + spiritual change Malcolm Gladwell - the way he generates research that impacts humanity I am here to* Teach + Guide Care + Connect Usher in the new paradigm Make people feel Create beauty Create profit and impact Protect and lead Understand deeply Create a more just world Email* Name*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. © Sahara Rose LLC 2025, All Rights Reserved